Monday, September 10, 2007

Production of Sugar from Marang (Artocarpus odoratissimus) Fruit


The purpose of the researcher in this study is to help those people who cannot afford to buy sugar. This product is cheaper compare to the commercial one because the researcher used the marang fruit as sugar.The researcher found out that the marang fruit is good in making sugar.


The reseacher would like to thank his parents for their financial support. His research teacher miss Granido for her guidance. And most specially our LORD because we could not make all of these things without him.

Table of Contents
I- Intoduction

a. Background of the Study
b. Statement of the Problem
c. Hypothesis
d. Significance of the Study
e. Scope and limitation
f. Definition of Terms

II- Review of Related Literature

III- Mythodology

IV- Results and Discussions

V- Conclusion and Recommendation


Chapter 1


Background of the Study

In this days, many people are having problem in buying the sugar, because they can't afford it. Also sugar is one of the ingredient in our food. Without the sugar in some food it will not taste sweet. The sugar are expensive so instead of buying we will just make it or produce it from cerain fruit that taste sweet like Marang fruit. The Marang fruit is nt so expensive and can be easily bought. In these days many people are having sugar as an ingredients for many foods, to help them, I will just contribute my own sugar that was produce from Marang fruit.

Statement of the Problem

  • Is there a possibility that the Marang fruit can produce sugar?
  • Does the production of sugar from Marang fruit successful?


Ho: The Marang fruit can produce sugar.
Ha: The Marang fruit cannot produce sugar.

Significance of the study

This study is significant because it can help people who can't afford the sugar. This study also helps factories in making sugar. The sugar from Marang fruit can be good to our health because it is not very sweet and have many nutrients and it can't give you a disease unlike the other sugars.

Scope and Limitation

This study only limit to marang fruit, because this study will prove if marang ruit can produce sugar.

Definition of Terms

  • Production- act of producing
  • sugar- a sweet substance from sugarcane or sugarbeet
  • marang/tarap- a very sweet and juicy fruit

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

The Johey Oak (Artocarpus odoratissimus), also called Marang and Tarap. It is an evergreen tree growing to 25 m tall. The leaves are 16-50 cm long and 11-28 cm broad, similar to the Breadfruit's, but are a little less lobed. As indicated by the scientific name, the fruit has a strong scent. The fruit is delicious, soft flavoured and can be appreciated from the first bite. The fruit is considered superior in flavour to both Jackfruit and Cempedak. The appearance of the fruit can be regarded as an intermediate shape between the jackfruit and the breadfruit. The fruit is round to oblong, 15-20 cm long and 13 cm broad, and weighing about 1 kg. The thick rind is covered with soft, broad spines. They become hard and brittle as the fruit matures. The fruit does not fall to the ground when ripe. It may be harvested while still hard, and left to ripen until soft. Marangs change colour to greenish yellow when ripe. The ripe fruit is opened by cutting the rind around. Twisting and gently pulling the halves complete the operation. The interior of the fruit is somewhat similar to the jackfruit's, but the colour is whitish.

Chapter 3



  • Gathering of materials needed
  • Washing of the marang fruit
  • Getting the extract of the marang flesh
  • Heating of the extract
  • Waiting till the solid particles are shown
  • Tasting of the sugar, which is the solid particles

Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

Person A Person B Person C

Trial 1 Satisfactory Poor Satisfactory

Trial 2 Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory

Trial 3 Excellent Excellent Excellent

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


Marang fruit can be also a sugar. We already knew that the marang fruit is a tropical tree that mainly grow on different parts of the world, why we use this tree its because it can be found anywhere especially in the Philippines. So when you finish following all the procedure in making this product, you can have now your product and use as one of the ingredient in some foods.


The researcher therefore conclude that the marang fruit can be made into sugar.


The researcher recommends having a further study and experiment about this study.
